March 26, 2019 - TRA Newswire -

Testimony was taken Monday in Austin on House Bill 1370, one of the gaggle of bills filed by rural lawmakers to stop a private company from bringing high-speed rail to Texas.

The bill, which was heard in the House Administration Committee, would create a joint interim committee to evaluate the feasibility of creating public-private partnerships for high speed rail. The bill was filed by a freshman rural state representative that publicly stated he filed the legislation in order to kill high speed rail.

Palestine State Representative Cody Harris was quoted in a press release from February 6, 2019 as saying "The purpose of this bill is to put up more roadblocks on the HSR by evaluating the feasibility of creating a statewide high-speed rail initiative through a public-private partnership".

Bob Leilich, who spent decades consulting for high-speed rail projects and is a Texas Rail Advocates contributor commented on the legislation. " I totally fail to see the wisdom or need for the state to meddle unnecessarily in a private business proposal, unless it is a back-door approach to slow or prevent private HSR serving selfish interests. What is the need for a public-private partnership when private enterprise proposes to pick up the entire tab? Further, S.B. 977, which took effect on September 1, 2017 expressly stated in Sec. 199.001 (1) "the legislature may not appropriate money to pay for a cost of planning, facility construction or maintenance, or security for, promotion of, or operation of, high-speed rail operated by a private entity."

Leilich stated "Texas takes pride in encouraging business development in the state. Texas Central's website promotes how it would help and benefit Texas. This bill works against this goal and often repeated mantra. I find it appalling that the state would even consider HB 1370."

If the bill passes the committee would be formed after the current legislative session ends and report back before the next session in 2021.