Your opinion does matter. What's your reason for wanting high-speed trains to connect our cities in Texas?

We're gathering comments from everyday citizens like you that want more and better transportation options when you travel in Texas.

Comments on why high-speed rail is important to you will be listed in this column and updated from time to time. Express your opinion. Send your thoughts to
Daphne S. - New Braunfels
I strongly support the Dallas to Houston project but it falls way short of what is needed. Texas desperately needs passenger rail along all major arteries: I-35 from San Antonio thru New Braunfels, San Marcos, Austin (especially!!), to Ft Worth and Dallas.  Also along the I-10 corridor from El Paso to Houston.

Tweet from Dallas Mavericks Superstar Luka Doncic - Dallas
I've heard Texas is close to start the construction of a high-speed rail. I've taken @Renfe HS trains in Spain and I can tell you they are great. Safe, fast, punctual and relaxing for big guys!

Jeremy S. - Texan
Austin and San Antonio need a bullet train. Can’t wait for the Dallas Houston bullet train though. It’s so much better than driving or flying.

Donald S - Fort Worth

I live in Fort Worth and have travelled to my office in S Houston for years. Having to leave @ 2am on Monday’s in order to be at work between 6:30-7:00 am is not fun. Weather played a big part on time and the notion of an accident always on the back of my mind and my family’s, not to mention the drunk drivers, wildlife and Truck drivers I’ve fought through to get there. Unbelievable not to think a HSR train is not a good thing. Get with the times as we are behind, and will save lives in the process. Since we are the people, and you work for the people, listen- learn in order to stay in office..

Roxanne C - Fort Worth
I'm an internationally bestselling New York Times author of more than 50 novels, and I regularly do events in the "literary triangle" between Dallas, Austin, and Houston. It's strange that in this state that I've only got the choice of flying (spending nearly 3 hours prior to my flight getting to the airport, paying for parking, going through security, all for no more than an hour's flight time) or driving (5 hours to Austin or Houston from where I live in Fort Worth, more if I have to leave or arrive during rush hour--barring inevitable delays). The lack of reliable, efficient train service is baffling. I travel internationally quite a bit. I can get anywhere in England on a train in under 4 hours. Only 6 hours to Scotland. And--here's the best part--I board the train, sit down, and am able to work the entire way. Unlike on planes, where restrictions are placed on using laptops, and the workspace is cramped and uncomfortable at best in the few minutes we're allowed to use them on short flights.

And yes: I do travel Amtrak! When I'm on the East Coast (and West Coast!) it's my favorite form of transportation. LA to San Diego? Effortless. New York to Boston? Easy. Etc. I also regularly use the long-distance routes to Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City. I'm not anti-flying; I fly for a lot of trips (including one coming up to Austin for the Texas Library Association just this week). But I'd much prefer trains. Trains are efficient, effective means of transportation--the best people-movers in the world. Having a reliable, efficient way to make this trip would be a huge relief to the thousands of travelers--business and personal--who have to make the plane/car/bus choice every single day to go to a major destination within our own state.

The fact that special interests in the oil, gas, and airplane industry want to prevent us from moving into a more convenient, economical, and ecologically sound method of transportation speaks volumes. Listen to who's talking about the drawbacks, and what they have to gain from it. Then decide in the favor of the people's needs.

Quinta W - Texan

Older people really find rail the best way for us. It provides fast travel for people with out cars and you know as we get older it becomes better to ride than drive. Cost effective and takes less room than interstate roads. I go to see great grand children and as I don’t drive any more it’s the best cheapest way. It will work best for climate change as well.

Please do the right thing I hear there is a rider on the budget bill which is not good.
Sent from my iPad

Mike G - Houston
I enthusiastically support High Speed Rail between Dallas and Houston.  Let’s move on that effort now.  We have waited too long. Adding San Antonio to make the Triangle should be considered.  That would put Texas at the point of the spear of People Movers.  Economic and financial benefits will result to all Texans.  Environmental issues will be lessen and Traffic congestion will a thing of the past.With a 200 mile an hour train speed, one can live in any city on  the Triangle’s path and still get to the work place on time. One can use the transit time to do address work related   Issues,  Students can live in Houston, for example, attend college at San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, San Marcos or Houston very easily.  Home work can be done in route.  Or the students can sleep in route.

Think of the energy saved, transit time saved in a relaxing quite atmosphere. I can go on and on outlining benefits to High Speed Rail but I will stop. These should be good  reasons to start this long awaited project.  I am 79 years old and have waited long enough.  We have cussed and discussed this  matter for decades and we are still  arguing over it whether to build it or not.  Enough of this delaying tactics.  Stop the BS.  Get it done.

Dr. Robert S - Temple
Please send to the house sub committee members reviewing the passed SB.  Please remove the Senator Birdwell’s restrictive rider from the Senate version SB977  when preparing HB 2172 for a vote and return to the Senate.  It is restrictive and Texas Central Railway has repeatedly said they are not requesting or accepting public monies-State or Federal.  Let Texas be the leader in real HSRAIL that works so well in Europe, China and Japan. Save additional pollution on our already overcrowded highways providing safer and faster travel between Houston and Dallas.

Joan G - Texan
I cannot be in Austin today. Texas needs high speed rail service to Dallas. I have grand kids there. Driving Interstate 45 is getting more and more dangerous. Traffic travels probably 90 mph passing me like I’m going too slow at 75-80. The number of 18-wheelers has increased a lot over the last few years. The speeding, weaving cars make it hard for everyone to avoid accidents especially these large trucks. I want to be able to ride to Dallas which is something Amtrak took away years ago.

Sheereen I - Texan
I am born and raised in the great state of Texas and believe that if Texas wants to be a leader in the economy of the United States, we need to up our transportation game and support high-speed rail and the Texas Central Railway project from construction to completion.  We talk about being better than California but they are already constructing their high speed rail. Texas Central Rail high-speed rail is important to me because it is important for me to have an efficient means of travel from Dallas to Houston in an hour. I spent four years of college going back in forth from Dallas to Houston by bus (taking 5 hours), by car taking 4-5 hours), by plane (which takes way too long for annoying security checks.) Getting to both major cities by a fast high speed train is a no-brainer. High speed trains exist in Europe, in Japan, China and their economy and people are better off with better transportation. The high speed train will help me get to work, get to my destination quickly, and helps the environment. Texas suffers from environmental and natural disasters like floods, tornadoes every year and we should do everything in our power as Texans to advocate for clean air by promoting and financially supporting clean transportation like trains and decrease our carbon footprint. Also trains help spur sustainable development and growth of cities in Texas.
ON BEHALF OF ALL TEXANS, PLEASE STOP the political shenanigans to derail this amazing project and GET ON BOARD WITH HIGH SPEED RAIL!