
1185 Posts Found

State KICKSTART appropriation needed to match federal rail funds

August 22nd, 2020
TRA Newswire - Texas has passed up its share of some $19 billion in federal rail funds over the past 10 years because the state does not have a matching partnership component. Those funds have gone to dozens of other...

Texas logistics parks growing: intermodal rail a strong factor

August 22nd, 2020
August 4, 2020 - - On the heels of another speculative project underway in El Paso, VanTrust Real Estate LLC recently broke ground on a 1 million-square-foot speculative industrial building in southern Dallas. Located south of Interstate 20, DalParc Logistics...

Trains are the New Age planes

August 22nd, 2020
August 18, 2020 - - Commentary by James Hanshaw - I headed my article that way because it is not commonly known that true high-speed rail can do journeys city centre to city centre of up to 500 miles faster...

Texas State Railroad announces Polar Express will run this Xmas

August 22nd, 2020
August 22, 2020 - TRA Newswire - Santa's elves will again be welcoming boys and girls, from 2 to 92, aboard the POLAR EXPRESS™ journey to the North Pole at Texas State Railroad this November and December. Tickets are now on sale...

Officials and rail advocates push for daily service on Sunset Ltd route

August 21st, 2020
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]August 21, 2020 - TRA Newswire - The largest passenger rail advocacy group, Rail Passengers Association, has started a campaign to take Amtrak's Sunset Limited cross-country service from 3 days a week to daily service across Texas and other Southwest U.S....

TxDOT 2019 Rail Plan is finally available online

August 17th, 2020
August 17, 2020 - TRA Austin Bureau - The long-awaited update to the Texas state Rail Plan is now available on the Texas Department of Transportation website. The release of the 2019 Rail Plan executive summary and category chapters had been...

Amtrak's proposed 3x weekly service on Texas Eagle will be less than that at Chicago hub connections

August 13th, 2020
August 13, 2020 - TRA Newswire - Amtrak finally released their reduced 3-times-a-week schedule for the long haul trains. The schedule takes effect in less than 60 days on October 1. The Texas Eagle will be one of the biggest casualties...

Why the Texas Central high-speed rail project is heroic

August 8th, 2020
July 31, 2020 - - Commentary from Norman F. Anderson - The defining moment when infrastructure can restart our economic growth is now. We are in an unprecedented time in the history of our country. In a challenging environment like today,...

Landowner wants to challenge Texas Central ruling at state Supreme Court

August 7th, 2020
August 7, 2020 - TRA Newswire - Billions of dollars in economic growth hangs in the balance as one landowner takes his case to the Texas Supreme Court later this month to try and stop Texas Central Railway from building their...

Senators hammer home support for Amtrak's national service during hearing for 2 new board nominees

August 7th, 2020
August 7, 2020 - - The fate of the National Passenger Rail Network was front and center at yesterday's Senate nomination hearing for two candidates to the Amtrak Board of Directors. From written testimony to the opening line of questioning...

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