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13 Posts Found tagged with "freight rail"

Dallas-based Trinity Industries and other feel effect of sluggish railcar building

December 16th, 2016
December 2, 2016 - Wall Street Journal - Too Many Railcars, Too Little Freight Rail equipment sits idle as commodities slump, changes in energy market cut into demand Light traffic on North American railroads has sidetracked the railcar market. Railcar manufacturers, financiers and equipment-leasing...

Study confirms freight rail backbone of TX & US economy

August 17th, 2016
BY DENNIS SHINGLETON -  Special to the Star-Telegram If the North Texas economy were a living organism, our roads, runways, rails and other infrastructure would be the skeleton, with freight rail tracks serving as the backbone that keeps the entire body...

We’re flush with freight, and ideas of what to do about it

September 24th, 2015
  Only 34 projects (3%) would be slated for rail, and that equals 1% of total cost but freight rail impacts 17% of employment (Texas Freight Mobility Plan pie chart) Dug Begley - Houston Chronicle - September 24, 2015   Texas has thousands of...

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